Still not sure about Mom Camp? Let us answer some of the most frequently asked questions!
Is this a religious camp?
Although Mom Camp is hosted at a Christian Camp facility, it is not a religious weekend. We want to welcome mom's from all walks of life. There will be opportunities for personal growth, but this will be lead by your own individual journey. We want to focus on the common grounds of rest, connection, and fun. Something we can all celebrate together!
Can I bring my baby?
As much as we all love babies, this weekend is a time to retreat from children. We kindly ask no children be brought to camp.
What is your refund policy?
Since this camp is limited in capacity, we ask you let us know as soon as possible if you will not be attending. We will try our best to replace your spot for someone on the waitlist. There will be no refunds 7 -days prior to camp arrival.
Can I buy tickets the day of the camp?
Since we have to buy supplies and food, tickets will not be sold the day of camp. We will need to know at least 7-days before camp arrival of your attendance.
Do I have to share a room?
Yes, all campers will be lodged in a 10-room dormitory which houses up to 4 campers per room. There is shared central bathrooms. We will do our best to accommodate groups of friends together. You may make your bunk-mate request via the registration form. If you are not roomed together, please take the time to enjoy the experience of making new friends!
What if I do not want to participate in all the activities?
This camp is about you! If you want to sleep all day, be our guest. Join in or take as much quit time as you need. We each will patriciate in the level of interaction we are comfortable with!
What do I pack?
Upon registration you will get a full packing list for camp. You can also click here for the PDF. You are more then welcome to bring extra goodies to share with your friends. Everyone loves snacks, chocolate, wine, and pretty much most any food!
Can I bring Alcohol?
Yes! We want our moms to unwind and have a great time. If you want to bring some alcoholic beverages to share, please do. We ask that each adult act in a responsible manner and respect the atmosphere we have created for a fun, refreshing, and relaxing camp!
Can I just come for the day?
Absolutely! A bulk of our activities will be on Saturday, so if your not able to leave home overnight, you are more then welcome to pay the day use rate for camp!
How can I help the cause?
We have many ways you can make our Mom Camp even better. If you have a skill or talent you want to share in a session please fill out our volunteer form. You can also volunteer to help cook in the kitchen for some of our meals. We all have something to share and I would love to incorporate as many volunteers as I can.
Can I sponsor a mom who may not be able to afford Mom Camp?
Absolutely! If you would like to sponsor a mom, we have that option available on our registration page!
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Cheree Munoz, Camp Director
(209) 728-3109